May 7, 2007

The Weekend

Posted in Current Events, Movies at 6:28 am by sonofthed

Ok, so we went to the carnival on Friday night. Not to ride anything, just to hang out before the fireworks. Anyway..I saw probably the craziest ride I’ve ever seen at a carnival. Check it out.


Not sure if you can see what’s goin on exactly, but it’s called the Cliff Hanger and it’s a hang gliding simulator basically. You lay down flat on your stomach and the thing spins around in a circle, taking you up and down. You have to see it in person. The individual glider cars tilt too. It was nuts to see and I plan to ride it this upcoming weekend.

I worked Saturday, nothing exciting there. Got caught up on my TV shows. Sunday was cool, relaxed with the wife. She made blueberry pancakes 🙂

We were supposed to go see Spider-Man 3 last night as well but, alas, change of plans. We have a date for next Sunday. I’ve already heard plenty of not-so-good things about it but I’m keeping the faith. I made the declaration that it would be the best movie of the year, hands down. We’ll see..

We did watch The Pursuit of Happyness for the first time. It was a good movie; not at all what I thought it would be though. I thought it would be a lot more about him achieving success through unconventional means. Turns out it’s just about how his life sucked for 95% of the movie. Will and Jaden did great though. And the mom was a bitch. I was hoping at the end he would call her like “How’s being a waitress going? I’m a stock broker now biatch!” Anyway, it’s a touching father/son story. Maybe that’s why I liked it. Kind of depressing though.

Oh shit, yes. The fight. I watched the Mayweather/De la Hoya match Saturday night (thank you Sopcast). It was entertaining I guess. I don’t really watch boxing. It seemed to go by pretty fast. If I would have put money on either fighter, it would have been PBF. But in that case, I would have been kinda nervous for the first few rounds. Cuz it looked like he was gettin tapped up a little bit and staying on the defensive. He definitely took control of the fight in the last four rounds though. Good fight though. People are already saying rematch..?

Man, I was so close to finishing God of War II and giving it a review on here. But a certain 1 year old broke my PS2. So…yeah I don’t know when I’ll get a chance to complete the game. Oh well. I should probably get some sleep before that same individual wakes up ready to take on the day at mach speed. Peace to all.